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Audubon Park
Stormwater Information

Letter from the Mayor

Dear Residents and Business Owners:

In accordance with the Township’s Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, the Governing Body has adopted various Ordinances to regulate the impact of stormwater and pollutants on the environment. As part of our required Local Public Education Program, we are sending this letter to you annually to highlight the requirements and environmental benefits of these Ordinances. The following describes the Ordinances in the Municipal Code:

1. Pet Waste: This Ordinance requires all pet owners to pick up and properly dispose of pet waste dropped on public or private property. This requirement prevents fecal contamination from impacting our local waterways.

2. Litter: This Ordinance states that it if unlawful to throw, drop, discard or otherwise place litter of any nature on any public or private property, other than a litter receptacle. This requirement has been adopted to prevent all types of litter from cluttering public streets and private property and prevents litter from impacting our waterways.

3. Improper Disposal of Waste: This Ordinance states that it is illegal to dispose of waste in any place other than a proper solid waste storage container. The purpose of this Ordinance is to prevent unsanitary conditions and groundwater pollution.

4. Wildlife Feeding: Feeding of waterfowl on municipal park land or property is prohibited by Ordinance. The purpose of this Ordinance is to reduce waterfowl population in response to health concerns regarding bacteria from fecal matter which is harmful to humans’ and fish populations.

5. Yard Waste: This Ordinance has been created to establish a system for the placement and collection of leaves, brush, and other yard wastes. The purpose of the Ordinance is to keep leaves, grass and other yard waste out of the stormwater inlets and piping, and ultimately out of our waterways.

6. Illicit Connections: It is unlawful to connect any pipe or discharge to the municipal storm sewer system that is intended to discard, spill or dump any substance other than stormwater or groundwater (via sump discharge) into the system. The purpose of this Ordinance is to prevent contamination of our streams and waterways which receive discharge from our storm sewers.

The transport of pollutants into local streams and water bodies can result in the destruction of fish, wildlife, and habitats; threats to public health and the loss of recreational and aesthetic value.

The Governing Body has enacted the above listed Ordinances to protect our environment, and to keep pollutants that are commonly conveyed by stormwater from adversely impacting our waterways and groundwater supplies.

Mayor Lawrence E. Pennock

Inlet Map MS4 Map 1 MS4 Map 2

NJ Department of Environmental Protection
Pet Waste Literature Stormwater Literatute

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Audubon Park Borough